Understanding SSL/TLS - A Non-Technical Guide

When transmitting sensitive data over the internet, it’s important to ensure that the data remains confidential and integrity is maintained. One of the ways to achieve this is by using SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocols. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what SSL/TLS is, how it works, and its components. What is SSL/TLS? When transmitting sensitive data over the internet, it’s important to ensure that the data remains confidential and integrity is maintained.

How to Prepare for Comptia Security+ - Part 3

You just nailed your CompTIA Security+, you’re now a CIS guru. Congratulation!! But, this is just the start of your life long journey of being recognized in the industry. You are required to maintain the status of your skills current. But What does that mean? Maintaining your CompTIA Security+ certification is an essential step in staying current in the field of cybersecurity. This vendor-neutral certification, confirms an individual’s knowledge of security practices and technologies, including risk management, incident response, and encryption.

How to Prepare for Comptia Security Plus - Part 2

Are you planning to take the CompTIA Security+ certification exam? With the increasing demand for security professionals, this certification is a great way to advance your career in the field of IT security. But before you take the exam, you’ll need to properly prepare. I Part 1, I explained why this certification is important. In this part 2, you get the resources you need to equipe you with the preparation.

How to Prepare For CompTIA Security+ Exam - Part 1

The CompTIA Security+ certification is a widely recognized and respected credential in the field of information security. It demonstrates a candidate’s knowledge and skills in key areas such as network security, compliance and operational security, threats and vulnerabilities, and application, data and host security. Whether you are an IT professional looking to advance your career or an organization looking to secure your networks, the Security+ certification is a great choice.

What Password Manager to Use in 2023

Passwords are an important part of our online lives. They keep our personal information secure and protect our accounts from unauthorized access. But with so many different online accounts and services, it can be difficult to keep track of all of our passwords. This is where a password manager comes in. A password manager is a tool that allows you to store all of your passwords in one secure location. This means that you only have to remember one master password to access all of your other passwords.

What Is Webauthn?

Overview Webauthn is a new standard for web-based authentication that aims to make it easier and more secure for users to log in to websites and other online services. With webauthn, users can use a variety of different authentication methods, including biometric factors like fingerprints or facial recognition, as well as security keys and other hardware-based authentication devices. Why Adopt WebAuthn? One of the key benefits of webauthn is that it allows users to log in to websites without having to remember complex passwords.

Clean Up Twitter UI

There are annoying twitter feeds I don’t like. These are: Promoted Tweets You Might Like Who to Follow What’s Happening More Tweets Explore Tab Using uBlock Origine, this can be done with the below filters: ! Title: CleanYourTwitter ! Dev: robonxt ! Description: Adblock filters for Twitter. Removes Promoted Tweets, You Might Like, Who to Follow, What's Happening, and other annoyances.

Building My Ultimate Driving Machine - The 2

Let’s Begin This project is a shift break from security engineering. It focuses on major work being done to making my Ultimate driving machine. BMW prides itself as a conventional unique way to experience their masterpieces. Every manufacturer has an entry level model that juices you up to wanting an upgraded version. While most average consumers would go this route, that is not the case for a car enthousiate like myself and you.

Summer Cryptography Journal 2021: RSA Security Cryptology Paper

In summer of last year (2020), I published a handful of cypto resources I put togather as I was working on building a secure file sharing service, YBITS.IO. This summer (2021), I focussed on the history of RSA. What I discovered is incredible and I wrote is as part of the reseach paper for my school propram. I thought it’s a very good resource I’d like everyone to read the part which I call the state of security of RSA.

Certbot Standalone SSL Update/Install

Sometimes you just want to do things a bit different such as testing your developement locally with a production SSL certifcate. Of course you can use this guide by Filippo about configuring HTTPS on your localhost. But, thanks to Let’s Encrypt which you can get an SSL certificate with no hustle. This guide is straight forward but the only requirement is to have access to your DNS registrar to update the TXT _acme_ validation record.